#HowTo: Build Trust Between Developers and Security Teams

Trust is one of the most important aspects of any business. When team members trust one another, they feel comfortable to open up, take appropriate risks and expose vulnerabilities; without it, teams face a lack of innovation, collaboration, creative thinking and productivity. Software development is no exception.

Today’s software and web development teams are doing great work. It goes without saying that high-performance teams build the highest quality products when they can trust that their teammates are carrying their own weight, holding each other accountable and willing to focus on solving problems to help unblock teammates. However, historically, security teams are perceived by developers as a blocker to getting software to market. Security teams, on the other hand, argue that developers don’t listen. In reality, there is truth on both sides. To achieve a world where software is more secure, we must overcome these cultural differences.

Read the full article by Altaz Valani (Director of Insights Research, Security Compass), at infosecurity-magazine.com